With the increasing demand for energy to provide for the Sri
Lanka’s economic and social development, total primary
energy demand is expected to increase
to about 15,000 kTOE by the year 2020 at an average annual
growth rate of about 3%. Electricity and petroleum
sub-sectors are likely to record higher annual growth
rates of about 7- 8%. Hydro electricity
production and biomass-based energy supplies,
which are the only large-scale indigenous
primary energy resources available in Sri
Lanka, are expected to increase only
marginally in the near future.
This is mainly due to limitations in
further hydropower development owing to lower economic
viability of exploiting the remaining large
hydropower sites and limited use of
biomass with gradually increasing standard of living of the
population. This means that the country’s incremental
primary energy requirements need to be
supplied mainly by imported fossil fuels in the medium
term. In the longer term, possible development of indigenous
petroleum resources and accelerated development
of non-conventional renewable energy are
likely to make a significant change in
Sri Lanka’s mix of primary energy resources.
Challenges faced by Sri Lanka’s Energy Sector are many.
While ensuring a continuous supply of electricity and
petroleum products, the growing economy has
to manage a strategic balance between
indigenous energy resources and imported
fossil fuels. Electricity supply to household needs is
yet to reach a quarter of Sri Lanka’s population. Commercial energy utilities
are required to be further strengthened to
improve their financial viability and
service quality. The involvement of the country’s population
in the investment, operation, regulation, and delivery of energy services
needs to be increased.
By end 2015, Sri Lanka’s major hydropower installed
capacity was 1,377 MW while fuel oil, coal and nonconventional renewable energy
(NCRE) installed capacities were 1,115 MW, 900 MW and 458 MW, respectively.
NCRE comprised 306.7 MW of mini-hydropower, 126.9 MW of wind power, 13.1 MW of
biomass power, 10.5 MW of dendro power and 1.4 MW of solar power.
Sales to the ‘Domestic’ category, which accounted power
plant, coal power generation increased substantially by 38.8 per cent to 4,443
GWh during the year. The cumulative effect of increased hydro and coal power
generation helped to lower fuel oil generation by 47.1 per cent to 2,276 GWh
during the year. Meanwhile, the generation of electricity through
nonconventional renewable energy (NCRE) sources, including mini-hydro
generation, increased by 20.4 per cent to 1,466 GWh. Accordingly, of total
generation, the share of hydro, fuel oil, coal and NCRE power generation was 37
per cent, 17 per cent, 34 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively. The share of
power generated by the CEB within total power generation increased to 79 per
cent in 2015, compared to 69 per cent in 2014, while the remainder was
purchased from Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The overall transmission and
distribution loss, as a percentage of total power generation reduced to 10.0
per cent in 2015, from 10.5 per cent in the previous year and from 17 per cent
in 2005. Meanwhile, coal power generation continued to face issues in relation
to storage capacity limitations during the periods with rough sea conditions
and frequent interruptions, and these issues need to be addressed on a priority
During the year, the total NCRE installed capacity
increased by 18 MW and accordingly, by the end of 2015, the country had
installed capacity of 306.7 MW of minihydro power, 126.9 MW of wind power, 13.1
MW of biomass power, 10.5 MW of dendro power and 1.4 MW of solar power
connected to the national grid. In addition, the CEB signed contracts for 26
NCRE projects, with a collective capacity of 41 MW, during 2015. A target of 20
per cent of total electricity generation has been set for NCRE generation by 2020,
which requires increased efforts to harness the potential of untapped
resources. Mini-hydro potential, wind power potential particularly in Mannar,
Puttalam and Jaffna, and biomass resources are often left untapped, while solar
power is also being increasingly recognised as one of the most appropriate
renewable energy sources for a tropical country like Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the
Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority
(SLSEA), which has been engaged actively in promoting energy conservation and
assessing indigenous renewable energy sources, was instrumental in saving
around 100 GWh by promoting the implementation of energy efficient activities
in industrial and commercial sectors.
Non –
As of 2015, 1,464 MW of the total thermal
installed capacity was from state-owned fossil
fuel power stations: 900 MW
from Lakvijaya, 380 MW from
the state-owned portion of Kelanitissa,
160 MW from Sapugaskanda,
and 24 MW from Uthuru Janani.
An additional 500 MW will be added to the total state-owned capacity after
the late 2017 completion of the Sampur
Power Station, which is being built with provisions to add a further
500 MW in the future. The remaining 641 MW of the installed thermal
capacity are from six privately owned power stations. All thermal power
stations run on fuel oil, except
Lakvijaya and Sampur, which run on coal.